A review by drowned_leviathan
Frozen Charlotte by Alex Bell


From reading the preview a couple months ago, a knew what to expect from Frozen Charlotte; creepy, sometimes morbid horrendousness (I know it's not a word but shh). And still, I somehow loved it. I could not put it down, every chapter finishing on such a steep cliff that I had to read on, the addition of the song lyrics at each chapter also kept the consistency for me and kept bringing me back to the fact that Frozen Charlotte dolls are a real thing - making it more terrifying because the sadistic little buggers actually exist.
But about the actual story I won't say too much, I myself hate spoilers, but I was completely absorbed. The overall vibe of the book changes completely from start to finish and you may get to the middle and think to yourself that not much has happened. But in reality, the book is pulling you in deeper and deeper until you're too far in to claw your way back out. For me, that was the ending. You can go through the whole book thinking 'this isn't too bad' and get to the end just in time to witness an explosion of gruesome things that will make you want to grimace. It was so cathartic at its final climax that I had to stop reading for a second and take a breather from all the heartache.
Although I would praise this book to the heavens and highly recommend it to anyone, it does have but one downfall. Both books will always be in my favorites but for me the prologue just seemed somehow, better, the overall tone conveying something that I felt was more appropriate for the dolls. Also, I found a lack of consistency in the destruction of the dolls, I won't say what but SOMETHING happened when one of the dolls was destroyed in the prologue that I found didn't follow through in Frozen Charlotte. My final reason for not giving Frozen Charlotte a 5 out of 5 is the last few pages. I noticed this in Charlotte Says too, but although the book is completely unpredictable and has hundreds of twists and turns, the ending is always fantastic but the last few pages can be a little cliched and slightly anti-climactic in comparison, however, I can see the author's reasoning behind it.
Through all that I would still recommend the book, even if dolls super freak you out - like me - it's still worth the read just for the story, knowledge, and influence to the possibility of a truth behind it. As in my case, I would recommend reading the prologue, Charlotte says, first if you haven't already because there are a fair few spoilers in Frozen Charlotte that may ruin Charlotte Says for you, even if they don't mention names.

Happy reading.