A review by colormecaro
Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger


I highly rate this book but I am also very aware of how other readers might not care for it. In fact, I know a lot of people who probably wouldn’t care for it one bit because nothing really happens in it, it is purely thoughts and conversations.

It‘s pretentious and the main characters are not particularly likeable, at times insufferable. Which I normally hate in a book. But somehow I read this book at just the right time, and I saw some of my own thoughts reflected in the characters. Insufferable though the may be, I related to their reflections.

I normally avoid classics written by men, because I want to prioritise female and marginalised voices in my reading. But I picked this up on a whim in a charity shop because it seemed like a quick read (which it was). Somehow it was the perfect read for my headspace at the time.