A review by booksavor
Fallen Beauty by Erika Robuck


After finishing her 4th novel, I am more than sure that Erika Robuck is my favorite contemporary author. Her writing is superb. She is able to effortlessly combine style and substance. I never feel like I am bogged down with details or heavy writing; at the same time the way she describes people, events, and feelings is precise and lovely. I enjoy the mysteries that she involves (in this one as well as "Receive Me Falling"). Her characters never fail to grab me and keep my attention. They are genuinely believable, flawed, and human. The historical characters and events seem to be well researched and Robuck never assumes her audience comes in with no knowledge of the past, which is refreshing; this keeps the story moving at a brisk and enjoyable pace.

I really enjoy how Robuck combines history and fiction, adding in characters she has created to the actual life events of her subjects. I knew very little of Edna St. Vincent Millay before reading this book but I am intrigued by her and would like to learn more. I was reminded of "The Scarlet Letter" while reading this story and I believe that Robuck's next work will involve Hawthorne; I wonder which work inspired which? However she was inspired to write it, I know for certain I will be reading it as soon as it is released!