A review by eesh25
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld


This book was awsomely super awesome!

Everything from the writing, the pace, the world building and the characters, it was all great and I loved the book. Now, I'm gonna break down the listed points.

1. The Writing: Unless it's for critisim, I usually don't know what to say about the writing. But I'm gonna try. With every genre, there is a certain type of style that needs to be used, contemporary needs to make you feel connected, fantasy has to feel magical and sci-fi has to make sense. This made sense so it accomplished the basics.

Tally voice was also very good. The descriptions, the dialogue and the overall narration was just right. There wasn't an excess of anything and nothing seemed missing. And that's all you can ask for.

2. The pace: Only thing you can say about the pace was that it was good. Not too fast, not too slow. It kept you on the edge but you weren't hanging off, trying not to fall off the plot-hoverboard. We were introduced to many new things and each aspect was given enough time to make it familar. And then we moved on to the next. The pace made sure we remembered everything.

3. The world building: I love the world that Scott Westerfeld has created. The whole concept of Uglies and Pretties and everyone looking the same and the operation and how everything has modified people's thinking. Everything is awesome.

Also, the way in which were are introduced to the world is great. The information is given at the right moments in small dozes so we can actually remember it. We don't know everything yet but we know enough. And the diection that the story is heading means we get to know a lot more in the next book.

4. The Characters: I only, mainly, wanna talk about one character. And that's Tally. She is a brilliant charater and I love the author for how well developed she is.

I also love how she's so ordinary. Mostly you see on YA novels how the protagonist is either special because of some power or talant or because she's an out-of-the-box thinker. No don't get me wrong, I don't mind those. They're great. But I loved reading about someone who was just like everyone else. She doesn't want to rebel, nor does she have some special ability. It's just the things that happen to her, things that aren't even her fault, that made her the protagonist.

She's just an orinary girl who's been thrust into extraorinary situations. And I am so proud of how far she's come by the end of the book.

I don't wanna talk about the other characters for many reasons. One is that it could be spoilery if I do. And the other is that Tally takes over most of the attention. She is the main character, after all.


And that's all the things said (I think).

The one problem I had was very tiny. It was that the phrase "Tally swollowed" may have been used too many times. That's it.

This was a great book and I recommend it for everyone to check out. I hope you like it too. I, myself, loved it and I'm very excited for the direction it's heading. Starting next book today.