A review by naughtynicky
Wild Moon by C.R. Jane


I'm definitely becoming addicted to books by C R Jane.

Wild Moon is the first book I have read by Mila Young.

This is the first book in a paranormal/shifter romance series Real Wolves Bite.

Rune is a latent wolf shifter who is on the run from Alistair, her abusive true mate, who rejected her. He placed a cursed brand on her, which locks down her wolf, so she can't shift. All we know at this point is she was rejected because of something found in her blood when tests are carried out to check her bloodline is "pure".

After a car accident she ends up in an out of the way place called Amarok. This place is full of shifters, however it takes a while for Rune to realise this. She had seen a lot of maps belonging to her old pack and was making a point of staying away from places that were pack territory and this place was not on their maps, so she thought she would be safe.

The people who live there tend to either welcome her, or make it clear they want her to leave. Even the two guys she finds herself attracted to. The mysterious and dark Wilder makes it clear he wants nothing to do with her, while Daxon, the sweet and friendly guy, wants her to stay. It soon becomes apparent these two have their own issues with each other.

This is much slower paced than I'm used to, but it is allowing the authors to slowly build this world and the characters which is good, especially as there are another 5 books in the series.

After the cliffhanger in this one, I have already downloaded book 2 Wild Heart.