A review by gareema
A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen


Helmer (sadly): I see, I see. An abyss has opened between us--there is no denying it. But, Nora, would it not be possible to fill it up?

Nora: As I am now, I am no wife for you.

Helmer: I have it in me to become a different man.

Nora: Perhaps--if your doll is taken away from you.

I kind of wanted to scream everytime Torvald Helmer said anything but you cant balme me for wanting to smash his head in when a man says things like "I should not be a man if this womanly helplessness did not just give you a double attractiveness in my eyes."

My favorite part was the ending when Nora calls him out on infantalising her and Helmer was going on preaching to his grown ass wife about "womanly duties" and how she must not love him anymore if she is leaving him and his children like this (clearly wanting to guilt trip her into changing her mind) and Nora straight up told him "Yeah I dont love you. Peace Out"