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A review by carolinevaught
The Ice Twins by S.K. Tremayne


Woah. That was a whirlwind of craziness and confusion. The good kind. At first, I had a hard time getting into this book. It seemed like a simple sob story about how a family loses a child, but it was oh so much more. Sarah and Angus only have one surviving daughter, Kirstie, after a tragic accident. They move from their house to go to new place, an island where they hope to get a fresh start. Until Kirstie starts saying that she's really her twin sister, Lydia.
This story revolves around Sarah as she tries to piece together what happened and which daughter is the surviving daughter.
This story got extremely confusing in some parts, because some people were calling the daughter Kirstie and some people were calling her Lydia. I couldn't keep it straight most of the time. The ending, though. Wow. It was the most confusing, yet the most interesting part of the entire book. It's one of those you just have to read to find out why.