A review by pacifickle
One for the Murphys by Lynda Mullaly Hunt


I loved this book, but there are a few major inaccuracies regarding the foster care system. The system as its represented here is very different that the system I've experienced through my volunteer work as a special advocate for kids in foster care.

First, I can't imagine anyone who had gone through the foster care system herself, and who willingly takes in another child, would then refuse to let her foster child call her "mom" if she asked to. Who would really make a big deal about that?

Also, the caseworker doesn't show up until she receives a phone call from our protagonist, Carley, and then makes a big deal about having to make a visit. First, visits would have already been made, multiple times. Second, caseworkers are yes, overworked and overburdened, but are incredibly caring people who make sure that their children are safe and if one of their clients calls, they're not going to complain to the child about having to make a visit. Also, Carley would have some kind of mandatory services in place for her that the Murphys would be taking her to, like counseling, therapy, etc. Kids aren't just dropped off at their placement home and then promptly forgotten.

Otherwise, I think this book has a ton of things that are wonderful. The characters are great (even Mrs. Murphy, besides the unbelievable "no"), the plot is well-paced, it balances numerous characters without making them confusing or unnecessary, in order to make a realistic life for Carley, and I love the cover and the endpapers. I think it is so important to have a book like this out there for kids who experience this in their lives. I really wish there could be a couple tweaks and a second edition to fix what I think are huge errors/plot holes.