A review by crimsonrogue
The Riddle by Alison Croggon


Continuing Maerad and Cadvan's journey, The Riddle is an excellent addition to the Pellinor series. Once I started this novel, my thoughts and eyes were glued to its pages. It is full of exciting adventure and tragic events. The character growth Maerad experiences during The Riddle is amazing to read about. It is easy to relate to the character and truly understand what she must be feeling.

This book is much darker than The Naming, and the danger that Maerad and Cadvan face becomes much more clear. There are many parts that will have you tearing up (and if you're like me, yelling at the book). The story examines many moral issues, and it is refreshing to see a strong female character that is not completely pure, that makes mistakes, and that questions her own morality.

While The Naming was absolutely brilliant, I did feel as if the story was often quite predictable. I felt that the Riddle is much less so, and there were many instances when I was rather shocked by certain events.

Just like its predecessor, The Riddle is full of beautifully written sentences filled with gorgeous imagery, exciting battle, and wonderful characters. It is a must read for all fantasy fans.