A review by jeanz
From Gods by Mary Ting


I'm slightly worried as I pick up my kindle to read this, I mean I loved the Crossroads Saga, will I like this too? Will it be as good? My thoughts at 14% "Liking this already" Then at 51% my thoughts were "Definitely warming to the characters of Kayla, Skylar & Mason (loved those two from the beginning of the book) and Nick too. What on earth or descended from heaven is Skylar?

So the story is that Skylar's dad walked out of her life when she was very young, her mother prefers to not speak about him so he is somewhat of a taboo subject. Skylar hates to be reminded of him so no one call's her Sky anymore as that's what he always called her. So Skylar is going to her Aunt Kelly's to be with her cousin Kayla for the summer break. Upon arriving at aunt Kelly's she learns that her aunt is short of waitresses at the cafe/diner she owns, so Kayla has been coerced into working at the diner. Skylar immediately volunteers to help out too, as she would just be stuck alone otherwise, plus she is the kind of girl that would want to help out her family too. Both girls get really into working at the diner and get along with Jack the cook, and Mona the other waitress. Then of course they see some good looking guys. I'll let you discover how they meet etc by reading the book, as I prefer not to give too much detail. Anyhow it turns out the gorgeous "brothers" Mason, Nick, Remus & Everett are quite different to other guys as they are in fact descendants from the Gods. They seem puzzled by Skylar and they think she too could be a descendant from the Gods when Hades Vultures go after her too. However she turns out to be something quite dangerous to the Grand brothers. In fact she quite accidentally kills one of them when he attacks her. I won't say how Skylar is special or how she kills the errant brother but she does it so unintentionally. When she realises her "power" and that she can kill the guys she wants to keep her distance but they won't allow it, in fact Mason actually seems to care about her. Obviously Kayla is crushing on Nick and Skylar has a soft spot for Mason. Mason keeps his remaining brothers in the dark about exactly what happened when Skylar killed one of them. As the only true full human Kayla also has to be kept in the dark somewhat too.
The remaining Grand brothers,Everett, Mason & Nick with "cousin" Amanda, Kayla & Skylar take a trip to another dimension, to Olympus to seek answers as to what Skylar actual is. They receive the answer but Mason swears Sklyar to silence. A descendant from God by the name of Alena is trying to kidnap Skylar to use her power to kill other Demi Gods.
There's mythology, action, drama, teenage angst and love against the odds in this latest offering form Mary Ting. My expectations were high when I began reading having read and loved the Crossroads Saga. I really loved the characters and wanted the girls to be happy with Nick and Mason. Poor Skylar doesn't even know she is "special" to begin with. she also thinks she has a stalker, who turns out to be helpful when her and Mason were being chased.
I also like the two male characters introduced towards the latter part of the book, Noah and Tim. In fact I think Noah's name is so appropriate! and I kind of think he may be a bit of competition for Skylar's attentions, so Mason better watch out!
So did I enjoy the book? Yes, I really enjoyed it. Would I recommend the book? Yes, if you loved the Crossroads Saga you will love this even though it's different. (That will make sense when you read it!) Mary Ting does "love against the odds" fantastically well.
Would I read a book two in this series? Oh, definitely. I'm addicted to this series already! Would I read other books by Mary Ting? I already did with the Crossroads Saga but I'd give any Mary Ting book a go really.