A review by blairconrad
All Clear by Connie Willis


I tried. I wanted to like the book. I even had hopes. I figured after the nothingburger that [b:Blackout|6506307|Blackout (All Clear, #1)|Connie Willis|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1433715206l/6506307._SY75_.jpg|6697901] was (to be fair, I know it's not really a book; just half of the book that All Clear is the second half of), we'd get some improvements. Maybe things would happen. Characters would develop. There'd be less needless rehashing of concepts that the characters should've known coming in and that the reader picked up long ago.
And things were slightly better. There was a little action. One of the women developed, just before the book ended.

It just wasn't enough. I ended up reading "to be done", and to "see if it became worthwhile", not even to find out what happened (since it became painfully obvious well before the book ended what was going to happen).

I know I'm in the minority here, and there are people out there who love the books. I'm glad. Go you! But these books were desperately in need of an editor. I mean, I assume there was one. I just don't know why they didn't at the very least tighten things up. The duology could've been one book. And still too long if it was the size of either component. This wouldn't've fixed everything, but at least I'd have half the regret.