A review by scearceka
Scarlet Night by Megan J. Parker, Nathan Squires


Disclaimer: I received an e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Supernatural beings, curses, and foul mouths, what an awesome combination! Serena is a vampire, heir to an entire clan. Her dead human boyfriend, Devon, is attached to her aura until they find him a new body. And then there's Zane, the big ol' brute of a vampire who's been cursed with tattoos that bring out the monster inside him. Throw in another auric vampire friend, her forbidden therion lover, and a whole mess of complications from outside, yet familiar, sources, and you have a recipe for a great story.

Serena and Zane crack me up, and some of the barbs they shoot at each other had me almost crying I was laughing so hard. Then there's Zoey and Isaac, two very different beings who can't help but be together, even though it might be the death of them both. Finally, Devon only wants to be back with Serena, but he may get more than he bargained for after inhabiting Zane's body for a one-night romp in the woods. Wonderful story, hilarious dialogue, and great characters you actually want to read about. I'm looking forward to more of this plot and these characters, as I just don't think one book is enough.

5 stars, absolutely great

"What's this about Megatron taking over?"
"Don't be a prepubescent b***h-boy, Zane!"