A review by sarratbb
Jealousy by Alain Robbe-Grillet


Okay. I won't recommend this to anyone unless you are interested in challenging literature (in both writing and reading). Also, in order to remotely enjoy this book, I had to take the overanalytical route and read it like I had to study it in class. It is not a book you read for fun at the beach or a cozy psychological thriller. This is a very detailed description of events (if you can call them that) and of the writing process itself in the shadow (one of the characteristics of Nouveau Roman). It has a lot of symbolism and polysemic expressions and words that make it fascinating (without these, this book is super boring and annoying). And since Nouveau Roman is all about forgetting the character, they have no psychology and no personality, they are just writing tools. I am not going to say more, just stay away from it. If you are still interested, I recommend you read articles online that explain the book, it will help you understand it, or at least give you an idea and help you decide whether you want to read it or not. Here is a link (french article) : https://journals.openedition.org/carnets/4657