A review by laurla
A Play of Shadow by Julie E. Czerneda

according to the author this is going to be a 5 book series, but this, the second book in the series, was written in 2014. 5 years ago. no third book has been published yet. (though she is publishing other books).

I asked the author thru goodreads

"Can you give us an idea when the next book in the "Night's Edge" series might be written?"

Julie E. Czerneda
I have three SF titles to complete first, so I'll start writing the next (and two after that) in 2021, with publication to start 2022/3. In the meantime, I am back in the series now, writing a special enovella December 2019, with "A Dragon for William, A Midwinter Beholding Story." It takes place after A PLAY OF SHADOW and involves Lila, Emon, and their sons. I hope you'll enjoy all of those ;-)
Thanks for asking!

2022 or 2023. thats a mighty long wait. *sigh*.