A review by too_hot_books_to_handle
Axiom by Kristofor Hellmeister


Author: Kristofor Hellmeister

I want to start my review with mentioning that i was asked by the author himself to review his book in exchange for a free eBook copy.

Characters who exist in Axiom are indicated with numbers. They are indicated with numbers because names are illegal in the world they live in.

We are introduced to a figure named 1C118 while he is boarding a train during the opening part of the book. This figure is living in a world designated Axiom. 1C118 his mind experience total destruction when he get involved in a train crash. A long revalidation in combination with a lot of dark thoughts are the consequence.

Feelings and emotions are illegal in
Axiom and to make sure that everyone follow all the rules of the big ruler named the Lord Protector they need to wear a manipulator wich tracks their emotions. All the manipulators are connected with each other by the use of a program wich is called Noom. This program itself is allied to a star. The star itself have a auxiliary function wich is used by the Lord protector so that he can see if every figure follow the strict rules.

Multiple storylines alternate. One of the
storylines follows a young woman named Myra who works as a slave in destructive conditions. She and her fellow slaves and brother have nothing to live for except the company of each other.

We also meet Damien who came across a lot of adventures during his search for Oscuro.

A group of young rebelions stand up against the strict Lord Protector in the hope to create a path towards freedom for themselves.

The world building was really well developed wich i enjoyed. I struggled a bit with following the storyline during the beginning chapters of the book, because of the numbers that the characters are indicated with. Sometimes i had to read a page multiple times to be able to understand what was happening.

I didn't felt attached to all the storylines and that was because the storyline wich mentioned the slaves included a lot of violence such as torture, male dominance and execution. This made it difficult for me to read the last 20 pages of the book.

I want to thank the Author for sharing his book with me.