A review by katleap
Fire of the Frost by Grace Draven, Darynda Jones, Jeffe Kennedy, Amanda Bouchet


4 stars

Overall I enjoyed this anthology. I read it for the Grace Draven story which was awesome.

A Wynter Fyre by Darynda Jones - 1 star
I had some issues with this story. The world building is a bit of jumbled mess. There is a nasty assault that is brushed off and not dealt with.
Spoiler There are very little consequences to the perpetrators which also made me frustrated.
At least twice I had to go wait what and backtrack because I wasn't sure how the characters got there. Anyway this story did not live up to its potential.

Of Fate and Fire by Amanda Bouchet - 4 stars
This is a side story from Bouchet's Kingmaker Chronicles, which has been on my TBR pile for awhile. This story was good and it made me curious about actually reading the series, so that is a plus. I liked the characters and the world building made sense.

The King of Hel by Grace Draven - 5 stars
My favorite story in the whole book. It's a lovely build of a romance with fantastic world building and believable characters. I would definitely read more about this world and the characters.

Familiar Winter Magic by Jeffe Kennedy - 3 stars
This was the other story I was not satisfied with. I liked Han and Iliana. The world building is good, it is just very bleak. I had lots and lots issues with what is going on with the Familiars in this world. The ending didn't really work for me because it was a cliff hanger and nothing really got resolved.

So read Of Fate and Fire and The King of Hel. Skip A Wynter Fyre. And be prepared for frustration with Familiar Winter magic.