A review by jessalynn_librarian
Renegade Magic by Stephanie Burgis


Most of what I wrote about the first book, [b:Kat, Incorrigible|6609744|Kat, Incorrigible (The Unladylike Adventures of Kat Stephenson, #1)|Stephanie Burgis|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1348200525s/6609744.jpg|6629179], holds true for this sequel. It's still a fun mix of Regency manners and magic, and I'd recommend it to young fans of both genres. I enjoyed the characters - some get a bit more nuance as the story goes on, and it's an entertaining world to spend time in.

However, as with the first book, the rules and system of magic seemed arbitrary, developed to suit the plot. The story can get away with this, to a certain extent, because Kat is not knowledgeable about the magic. She has yet to receive any real training, and she does a lot of her magic by instinct. The characters who do know more are often hiding things from Kat and the reader. So, the lack of a coherent system of magic is forgivable, but may irk readers who like that kind of thing explained. It also leaves things open for Burgis to introduce any kind of magic into further plots, which could be fun (the ancient magic in this story sure is intriguing) but could also feel sloppy.

Overall, a light and enjoyable story that should please fans of the first book.