A review by cnorbury
Trunk Music by Michael Connelly


Expert mystery storytelling by Connelly makes this an outstanding read. He weaves an intricate plot that kept me guessing as to the murderer--sort of--I expected someone pretty early on, then decided that person couldn't have done it, only to find out that person did kill the victim (with help). But Connelly put in a clever twist at the end that I doubt any reader would have guessed.

Harry Bosch is an iconic protagonist in the detective genre and for good reason. He walks the edge between lawfully doing his job and breaking most of the rules in the book and risking his badge in the process. Connelly shows his readers Bosch's humanity, his weaknesses and strengths, and takes us deep into Bosch's emotions, especially when it comes to his love life (overall, one of his weak points, I think. He doesn't have the best of luck with women.).

If you like Connelly's work, put this at the top of your TBR list.