A review by holtfan
Love Letters by Katie Fforde


I'm peeved at myself for finishing Love Letters. I already tried and hated one Fforde book...but I told myself it was worth the effort to try another. Unfortunately, my estimation of her as an author did not go up.
While this book was not nearly as rambling as [b:A Perfect Proposal|7295582|A Perfect Proposal|Katie Fforde|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1276968583s/7295582.jpg|8625639], it still adds a paragraph where a word would suffice. The heroine is whiny and naive, loved by everyone, and never has a thought she doesn't repeat six times. The love interested is tall, dark, handsome, stuck on sex...and that's about it. I didn't like them as a couple and I find it hard to believe their relationship would last.
The only redeemable thing about this book is that it wasn't as bad as A Perfect Proposal, and that is hardly something to recommend it.