A review by shirin_mandi
The Olympian Affair by Jim Butcher


“Maker of Ways, save me from men and their pride,”

[b:The Olympian Affair|26860699|The Olympian Affair (The Cinder Spires, #2)|Jim Butcher|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1685085160l/26860699._SY75_.jpg|46900078] is the highly anticipated second book in The Cinder Spires series and after an eight-year wait, [a:Jim Butcher|10746|Jim Butcher|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1400640324p2/10746.jpg]'s fans were eager to dive back into this fantastical world. I read two books and a novella this year (many thanks to Little, Brown Book Group UK via NetGalley for ARC) and I found it to be both entertaining and engaging.

Besides being a fantasy book with flying ships, magical crystals, and battles fought for countries and kings, what really captured my attention were the characters of Rowl and Fenli, are most to my delight in this book, and please do remember that in this non-Dresden Butcher world, cats are treated as equals to humans, oh no please forgive my mistake, of course from their point of view (and mine), cats are superior to many of stupid humans.

Overall, there was a refreshing twist that added a new layer of complexity to the story and the characters are well-developed and memorable. I like to see where the series goes next.

the ginger cat said magnanimously. “But then, humans do not seem to function well under pressure.”
“Present company excepted, of course,” Fenli said hurriedly.
“Oh, of course,” Rowl said, patting Bridget’s (injured, she noted) leg absently with one paw. “But where would they be without man‑ agement?”
“Where, indeed?”


“Finally,” Rowl said, and promptly heaved himself up from Bridget’s lap. “Fenli, we must go. They’re going to mate, and I do not wish to embarrass Littlemouse by laughing.”
“Rowl!” Bridget exclaimed.
Fenli rose , stretched, and said, “Oh, of course. It’s . . . unfortunate when humans mate. So awkward. But I also find it endearing. They have no idea how foolish they look, so they feel very confident afterward.”