A review by drchavez08
If I Ever Get Out of Here by Eric Gansworth


This is such a good book and one that I think everyone should be forced to read. I would definitely say it was more written as an educational tool than just a story to read, but that is by no means a bad thing. Lewis is a very likable protagonist, even if, at times, he seemed to talk like he was a lot older than he actually was. The story was quite realistic otherwise, the characters were almost annoyingly imperfect and ignorant. I like the way Gansworth chose to end the story, even if it was absolutely heartbreaking, it was the perfect ending for a young adult novel. It's definitely a slower read, there were times when I was a little bored, but overall it fit the story well to have such a slow pace. I am particularly impressed at Gansworth's abilities to weave together intricate family relationships. Each family had such a different yet relatable dynamic, and every single character in the story was well-rounded. Also, the musical element to the story was the perfect addition. Not only was it the obvious bonding point between Lewis and George, it grounded the story in its time period and certainly piqued my interest. Overall, I was really impressed with the story. It's something I never would have picked up on my own, which is honestly, the exact reason why I needed to be forced to read it. It was a definite reminder that though I may feel my reading is diverse, there is always more ground to be covered and more to educate myself on. I cannot recommend it enough, honestly.