A review by sunshineariel
Six Months to Get a Life by Ben Adams


I received this book for free through Story Cartel. I was initially interested for two reasons - one, I have enjoyed books written through the perspective of journal entries or other forms of communication in the past, and two, I liked the idea of a book from a man's perspective, as so many of the books I read have women as the main character.

It took me a few tries before I really got into the story, but once I did, it was easy to read in one sitting. This was good, because there are no chapters or sections, just daily entries that are only a page or two long. No good stopping place, but the story flows along quickly so you really don't need to stop.

The plot wasn't anything spectacular, as it is about a newly divorced man figuring out how to live his new life and trying to improve his situation. I thought the writing was good, and I liked the quick pace of the story. At first I was a little bored with the main character, as he sat around drinking beers, but he grew on me as the book went on.

Overall, I enjoyed it.