A review by cburgbennett
Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler


SUPER cute. This is a contemporary, teen, romantic-comedy, done right, and here are the reasons why.

Number one: all the cupcake talk made me super hungry. Hudson (is a girl) made a bunch of super amazing sounding cupcakes. Seriously. Cupcakes dipped in silver glitter (edible of course), cupcakes frosted with fluffy peanut butter cream cheese frosting and topped with three different kinds of chocolate...i mean seriously. Can I have a cupcake now? I mean this alone made the book excellent.

Number two: As sad as the premise of the story was, parents got divorced, dad totally ignores his children, Hudson gave up ice skating because of it, she lost her best friend Kara when she quit ice skating, Hudson works her butt off at her mom's diner now, and she has a bunch of other stuff going on...including training sexy hockey players so that she can have skate time. Sign me up...for the hockey player part...and maybe the making cupcakes part too. But with everything going on in the book, everything somehow was fixed in a realistic manner. It didn't seem fake or ridiculous. It sounded like real life. And that is what contemporary is about. Being real.

Number three: Josh was seriously the nicest sounding guy ever. He was quirky and funny and smart and an athlete (which means he probably has a nice bod...and a great personality), he was just pretty much a great guy.

Number four: The book had some great lines that made me crack up. And here are just a couple lines:

1) “It takes forty muscles to frown, and only twelve to jam a cupcake in your mouth and get over it.”

2)“What's up?" Need a kidney? Two of them? Where do I sign? I grab my pen again, just in case.”

3)“What do you need, Josh?" Just name it. Anything. I'm totally here for you.

(hudson imagining what josh needs) I knew I could count on you, Hudson. The thing is... I don't know if I'm a good kisser. It's not the sort of thing you can figure out on your own, you know? So I was thinking, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, maybe you could kiss me, everyday for a year, and then you can...


4) “See, some people politely encourage their tone-deaf friends to sing. Some people even convince them to go on live television and audition for national competitions. But me? I am not that friend.”

And those aren't even the best ones. Gosh. In conclusion...I really enjoyed this book. Pretty clean. Not a lot of swearing. And just overall great. Yep. I'm done now.