A review by mcfade28
Bridget Jones's Baby: The Diaries by Helen Fielding


Bridget Jones is back and she's gotten herself into the same old love triangle with Mark Darcy and Daniel Cleaver. Having let Daniel ruin her engagement to Mark years earlier, she still has no hesitation in sleeping with both of them in a matter of days. In my mind, she has spent ten years proving neither of them are any good for her whatsoever, and in fact the charming American Jack from the movie makes the best suitor of the three for her. That being said, anyone who has picked up a Bridget Jones novel or seen any of the films knows the score, and knows exactly where this is heading.

For all of my grumbling about Bridget's awful taste in men, it makes for hilarious reading. Daniel Cleaver remains the best character, as he makes no attempt to even appear redeemable. Bridget herself is charming. She has a special talent for ruining her own life, but remains intensely likeable due to her big heart. Mark Darcy had always been awfully dull individual,and not much changes here. I think this version of him was still better than Colin Firth's pretentious bore.

This was a witty return to Bridget and I must confess I loved every second of reading it!