A review by readtiltheworldisblurry
Allegiant by Veronica Roth


I liked this book, don't get me wrong, but I'm just going to say a few things that kind of disappointed me.


Now that you've been warned, I shall explain. Sometimes, I couldn't keep track of where they were, whether it was the Bureau or the fringe, or someplace else. So that made it kind of hard to locate certain characters. Then there was all of this rebellion crap, I swear, there were probably four or five different rebellions going on after Janine Matthews died.

It got hard to keep track of who was fighting against who and why, then when you had people like Marcus who joined one, and Evelyn was a part of another, and Tobias and Tris were part of another one. It was hard to remember people and roles. WAAAAAAAY too many minor characters.

Then, I didn't like how it ended, with Tris dying and all, I really liked her character. I would have liked it much better if Peter was the one who died. I never really liked him.

That's another thing, too many people died. Do you know how hard it is to remember who died and how? Trust me, it's hard.

Last thing, I was really upset that she killed Uriah and turned Caleb evil, I liked those two characters.

This wasn't my favourite, but it had some good parts and it deserves a three.