A review by readbyashleyd
We Are Monsters by Brian Kirk


I was a little bit disappointed by this one if I’m being completely honest. On paper the idea sounds absolutely amazing, I mean who doesn’t love a good asylum horror with some supernatural elements thrown in? I know this girl was almost drooling at the idea! It’s an incredibly original concept and a lot of research must have gone into it considering the subject matter and I definitely applaud that. I really loved the idea of the story too, potentially curing schizophrenia with some unwanted side effects is just a recipe for a fantastic story. But here’s where it lost me, our protagonist Doctor Alex Drexler. Right from the beginning I had an instant dislike for him after one off putting event and it only grew stronger as the story moved along. It got to a point where it started completely spoiling my enjoyment of the book and I really wish he had been written differently. I honestly think if it hadn’t of been for him that this would have been a full five star read.