A review by meginlove
A False Start by Elsie Silver


4.5 stars! Age-gap + brother's best friend, you say? Behind A Photo Finish, this was probably the book I was looking forward to most in the series. I can't resist a forbidden romance! Griff (or Griffy if you're trying to get spanked), is Stefan Dalca's best friend and a former professional football player. He is a grump through and through. Nadia is Stefan's wild child younger sister. While in a bar bathroom making out with her date, Nadia meet a grumpy man who basically tells her and her date to take a hike. Her date runs off but of course, Nadia stays to poke the bear. They end up sharing a steamy kiss, but part ways. Come to find out that oops, Nadia did in fact make out with her brother's best friend who happens to be 14 years old than her. We jump ahead 2 years and Nadia is working as an assistant in Mira's clinic. Griff and Nadia continue to run into each other and form an unlikely friendship.

I found Nadia and Griff's story to be really beautiful. These were two people that both had skeletons in their closet that haunted them. Watching them overcome their struggles and fight for each other was really moving. They were the definition of soulmates. There was give and take, but at the end of the day, everything happened the way it was meant to. While I think their love story was absolutely beautiful, this was also probably the spiciest book in the series LOL. Nothing like an emotional read paired with panty-melting spice. This shit was hooooooooooot. There were a few times that I blushing okay! Griff is hot hot hot.

LOVED this book and think is was a great one to end the series on!