A review by ida03a
I'm a Fan by Sheena Patel


This was a really interesting and fast read. The commentary on selv destructive obsessive women really spoke to me and was at times quite relatable, which hurts a little further into the book lol. 
I found the narrators disgust of "rich people" but simultaneously her fantasy of attaining said wealth very interesting. 
The narrator is so contradicting and accuses everyone around her of being the problem, while also admitting to physical and psychological violence towards her partner and lover, which made me realize that she herself might be the real villain of this story. I think the reveal of her being this quite horrible person is very interesting, she hides behind being the victim of her lovers unfaithfulness, though he is always 100% honest with her and she is willingly putting herself in this situation.
I also enjoyed the theme of social media and how that plays a big role in todays relationships and obessions.
The only bad things I have to say about this was that it was a bit repetetive at times, and it got a bit tedious to read the same situation over and over.
I also missed a bit more drama in the end, how is this woman so unhinged and it not resulting in any major event or turning point. The end really didn't feel like an ending or a conclusion, it felt a little like the author just felt done writing...
Also not sure if I liked or didn't like the vagueness of the writing? You know so much about these people, but also so little? You get very vague descriptions of what they work as and that both annoyed and intrigued me.
I was also a little confused by all the time jumps throughout the book, it really is a little all over the place and it's very hard to imagine a clear timeline of the different scenes, so I think this could've been a little clearer.
All in all I think it was a good book, and would recommend as an unhinged and fast read.