A review by adrianwelsh
Leviathan by Jens Harder


2.75 stars
This was an interesting and rather weird ‘silent’ graphic novel that I ‘read’ with my kids. Or, I suppose I should say I interpreted it with my kids. There were some stories/chapters that I really liked and others that did not have much meaning. Being that it was silent, it was oftentimes hard to interpret what was really meant to be said. That is part of the fun of the book and it was fun to try and decipher the meaning of each chapter with my kids. I don’t think this book was meant to be read with kids but it is tame enough that it was ok.

After a while, my six-year-old daughter decided she didn’t want to hear more of the book and said it was scary. Though, I really think that she was bored and wanted to do other things. My nine-year-old son enjoyed it and laughed at many parts of the book. His review follows.

Olsen’s rating: 4 stars
Olsen’s review (this is my nine-year-old):
I liked the book because the whale was so vicious.
The whale killed everything including all the ships, even the Titanic and rammed it into the iceberg. It flooded a lot of cities, including China.