A review by dommdy
An Equal Music by Vikram Seth


I like the quality of the writing but dislike most of the characters, particularly Michael, the protagonist. He has no ability to regulate his emotions and if he weren’t so overbearing he wouldn’t have been able to seduce his first love, Julia into a painful reenactment of their original doomed relationship. He was the one who ruined it the first time. The relationship does have the all consuming quality of first love, the myopic inability to see that the attraction was almost exclusively sexual, except for the shared love of music. Julia, who was married with a child, in my opinion, fell again with Michael as he so forcefully desired her. 

The best parts of the story were about the music and the musicians, the functional and dysfunctional ways they worked together and shared their visions of what the music is and should be. I believe Michael’s love for his violin was equal to his love for Julia. This book is worth reading, my rating would be higher if Michael had been a better person.