A review by caitcoy
How to Talk to Girls At Parties: The Graphic Novel by Neil Gaiman


I'm a huge fan of Neil Gaiman but wasn't familiar with the short story that this was adapted from (Fragile Things is definitely on my list now). Since I try to pick up anything Gaiman is involved with, I figured it would probably be right in my wheelhouse and I wasn't wrong.

How to Talk to Girls at Parties is an interesting mix of coming and age and mysterious, dark Gaiman fantasy. It's the story of how a shy awkward teenager (Enn) gets dragged to a party by his more charming, smooth friend (Vic) and the night ends up simultaneously painfully awkward and bizarrely fantastical. Like in many Gaiman stories, much of the magic is never spelled out, it's left dangerous and untamed and mostly unknown. If you're bothered by vagueness, this is probably not your thing. I don't mind that, especially with the way that Gaiman writes, so I ended up loving it.

The adaptation itself is well done. I wasn't sure how well translating text to the graphic format would work for something that wasn't originally a graphic novel but I was impressed that it wasn't just inserting huge blocks of text throughout. Moon and Ba did a fantastic job with the art and the three creators made for a damn good combination. Would definitely recommend this to anyone who enjoys stories that don't reveal every mystery and combine genres in a way that leaves you unsure what it really is.

Full review here: http://aeither.net/graphic-reviews-how-to-talk-to-girls-at-parties/