A review by andreasromancebooks
Unloved by Peyton Corinne


4 ⭐️ Absolute, massive chef's kiss!

Listen, this book was a trip and a half and I was sat for every single f··king second of it! I'm sort of pissed off at myself for delving into this book first and not picking up book #1 to begin from there. Now I've spoiled myself so much! I would definitely recommend you pick up these books in order (Unlike me! Learn from my mistakes while you can!)

Now, what to say about this book that won't spoil anything and still convey how absolutely massively heartbreaking and angsty and awesome this book was... So there's the cutest little sl·t you've ever seen, and then they meet another cute, little sl·t at a party, and then it takes them years to get together... and a lot of sh·t happens in the meantime. Bad, horrible, abusive stuff. THIS IS A HEA THOUGH! I would never recommend this book otherwise. But, yeah, there's so much trauma to wade through here, it got almost overwhelming at times.

My favourite part of this entire book is something that needs to be talked about, and it's a staple in all my favourite romance books: emotionally intelligent and cautious MCs. Both main characters here have lived through some extreme experiences that make them look at themselves and the way they fit into the world in a very askew, distorted way. Unfortunately, that is what abuse and trauma tend to do. These two, however, not only fight for one another, but they fight for themselves and to protect their lives and connections to the people that matter to them. And it was so incredibly beautiful.

There is a lot of OM and OW stuff here since for about half of the book, the MCs are just friends and have a tutor (F)/student (M) relationship, and the FMC is still in a committed romantic relationship with some OM. Still, this book works! I don't know how cause usually I don't really like books with OM/OW stuff in them, but this one was amazing and it only added to the angst and slow burn of it all.

Seriously, 100% recommend!!