A review by fishgirl182
The Bourbon Kings by J.R. Ward


A good start to a new contemporary series by JR Ward. Ward is best known for the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. This series doesn't share much with that series except that it has a large cast of really intriguing characters. The setting plays a big role in the book and Easterly is a character of its own. The lifestyle of the Baldwine family is so unlike my own that's it's almost alien. But Wars writes it in such a way that's accessible and fascinating. I loved the rich details and small touches that award used to really bring the setting to life.

Ward is great at romance and I enjoyed following a Lane and Lizzy's relationship evolve as the drama of the Baldwine family unfolded around them. Lane is a good man, though he's made some mistakes in his life. Lizzy is the antithesis of the society ladies that Lane has grown up around, which makes her a great partner for him. She's smart and self sufficient. She doesn't care about his money. I admit though at first, I wasn't sure why, besides the obvious physical attraction, Lizzy would want to be with Lane. She's used to working hard and Lane has never really had to work for anything. He's a spoiled rich boy, though one with a good heart. Lane does evolve during the story though and starts to take more responsibility for his life and I think he's going to keep evolving as the series goes on. I was a little annoyed at Lizzy's lack of trust in Lane during one dramatic point in the book, but after all that's gone down, I can't blame her too much for freaking out.

I'm really looking forward to the rest of the books in the series. Ward sets up two other potential couples whose relationships are even more dramatic and promise a tumultuous and entertaining ride.

Characters not all like able.

To be cont