A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Haunted: A reverse harem paranormal romance by Steffanie Holmes


It seems I love every book Steffanie Holmes writes. It doesn't matter if it's supernatural or not. It doesn't matter if it's fantasy or not. It doesn't matter if it's with characters I usually dislike or with settings I'm usually not a fan of. I love it all. So, ever since in finished the Briarwood Witches series, I was looking forward to continue this trilogy. The first book was amazing and I have no idea why I waited this long to pick up this one, but today I finally did.

I loved each and every second of this book, each and every scene, each and every moment. I loved the twists and turns, the few answers we got, the more questions that were raised. I loved how the setting, which already was quite dark, seemed to turn even more sinister in this book, especially once we realize how deep everything goes. I even loved the ending, although Holmes and I really need to talk about cliffhangers and how terrible you can make them.

What I love most about the books Holmes writes is that they rely so much on the emotions and the atmosphere. I don't read in images or movies. I forget descriptions of characters and locations as soon as I read them. But I don't forget the feel of these characters and locations. And Holmes provides me with everything I need to make those feelings as vivid as possible. I get shivers rolling down my spine at times. Just like I had adrenaline rushing through my veins at other times.

And I really love how she slowly and carefully crafts this harem. It's not an easy task to get these people together. Partly because those characters are struggling with their own emotions, not always ready to admit what they feel, to give up their secrets. But also because the entire outside world seems to be against them and we have no idea yet why. I can't wait to read the last book in the series and to discover what has been going on all this time. I will get to it really soon!