A review by tophat8855
A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore


I picked this up because someone had recommended Christopher Moore and this was one of the only books at our library branch by him.

Very creative story. I loved the fun descriptions and characters. Sad things happen within the first few chapters (death) and being pregnant I get all teary about things like that, so if you're a teary person, there's a warning.

It's fun. Moore doesn't hesitate to throw in swearing wherever possible, so if that's something that bothers you, don't read it. I was reading it in the car and when it was my time to drive, my husband read the last third out loud to me and he was really getting into the story himself. Also, there is sex, but it's not erotica sex. Sex is just something characters happen to do just like everybody else in the real world. Some of it was a bit contrived, but hey, it's fiction. The underworld was going to take over.

There was a slow point at the end when one of the characters reveals her identity and past and it's a big information dump. I needed some action in there to break it up.

Strangely happy ending for a story with lots of death in it. And now I can't take the BART from Oakland to SF without worrying about the power going out...

I'm hoping "Lamb" is good. It's my next book to tackle.