A review by teresajluvs2read
The Boss by Abigail Owen


**I received a copy of The Boss from Net Galley and Entangled Publishing in exchange for a voluntary and honest review. All opinions are my own**

The Boss by Abigail Owen is the first book in her Fire's Edge series. I haven't read any of her other books but this one book has me anxious waiting for the other dragons to get their own stories or mates. You'll be in love because where else can you find Dragon's, Firefighters and a bad guy or should I mean Dragon? This one book has all of them so I give it all 5 stars gladly.

Finn Conleth is not only in charge of his enforcers dragon shifters but they also can help the humans when the fire is spotted during their drills and we all know how quickly they can grow and become a huge forest fire. But when he rescues Delaney Hamilton from a barn/winery little does he know that she'll become very special to him but also help him find a rogue dragon they've been searching for. He lost a mate once when he tried to turn her and its made him decide not to try again.

Delaney Hamilton has been running from a stalker Graff who has followed her all over the country because he can't understand that she doesn't want to see him any longer. However, every time she leaves it's because a fire has occurred and she thinks that she's responsible. But when a fire starts at Apple Hill Winery she tries to put it out and save her friend's wine. But when she meets Finn it's his ice blue eyes that will have her wondering if he can help her explain not only the fires but also her attraction to him. Finn will try hard to deny the attraction until his supervisor Deep points out that because mates are so few, that perhaps Delaney is the one.

It will take all of Finn's crew to find and stop Graff especially when Delaney is taken hostage but there are more sinister dragons out there that are determined to find their mates even if she isn't aware she's compatible to him.