A review by lucybbookstuff
Dark Rise by C.S. Pacat

Did not finish book. Stopped at 19%.
Soft DNF. I'd like to stick this out eventually, but I'm too excited about other things right now to wade through this clunky exposition.

I'm vaguely intrigued by the conflict and the characters, but I'm honestly struggling to care since I've been dropped in the middle of it, with no setup whatsoever before everything turned to shit.

And once it did turn to shit, all the setup has been extremely, as I said, clunky. It's already, at less than 20%, been so repetitive. The characters just keep putting themselves in and staying in ridiculously stupid situations in the name of info dumping and establishing very flimsy character relationships.

And for now, what little has been explained sounds very cliche and cheesy.

I do think that if I stick out this clunky beginning, the intrigue will pick up and I'll eventually like it. But I'm not in the mood to try right now.

(Just so I know, if/when I come back to it: I got through chapter 8.)