A review by honeyitsbee
Cold Dark Souls by Candace Wondrak

dark fast-paced


Now this is book was something, that’s for sure.

I was instantly drawn to this book because of Stella. She was quite strange from the start… yet some of her thoughts were strangely relatable. I found her oddly refreshing… well at the start at least….

Now we are Not gonna talk about how big of a red flag that may be for me and move on-

Where the Linc and Edward are concerned… well…. they’re certainly off their rockers. But hey! where’s the fun in them being not i suppose 🙂
I do like them tho… especially Ed.

Now let’s get into the real stuff…
  I’m not sure how exactly i knew… but i knew from early on… that something was off about Killian. But you see that first POV we got from him? that was when i pieced everything together — “Killian is another fucking Psycho!” is basically what i concluded at that point. I was kinda guessing at that point but idk i just had a bunch i suppose…

AND BOY OH BOY WAS I RIGHT! ( i’m totally gloating rn ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) See when those other murders started and miss stella was on about her Angler Maker or what not… it became SO obvious just how deeply obsessed Killian was with her. How badly he wanted her attention.  Also the fact that poor Sandy was missing from work was a dead giveaway too..

But ya know what i did NOT expect? Callie. CALLIE. WHATEVER THE FUCK HAPPENED TO CALLIE?! my brain actually did not wrap my head around completely what had happened at the end… one thing is certain tho : Stella is A LOT more off the deep end than i was led to believe. Did she kill her awhile back and just did not know what to do with herself that she made herself believe she was still alive and well in that mind of hers? or… did she become obsessed with her a while back and killed her… but then still  claimed her to be her best friend because she liked her or something??! i don’t know. i really don’t fuckin how but you better believe i will find out!

i do have to say tho… i’m not sure i should be surprised about Callie… obviously she was not completely sane to as chill as she was the whole time. But it only obvious after the fact how many signs of some type of psychopathy.. she showed of maybe something like a sociopath… but she doesn’t exactly fit the description. But she doesn’t fit that of a psychopath either… she doesn’t try to decide people by acting “normal”… as much as she supposedly tried to blend in she did not try to conform or deceive people in that way…

anywayssss i digress! i’m no psychologist so i can’t tell what the fuck is wrong there but my point was there were some giveaways that something deeply wasn’t right.

If you’re wondering whether or not to read this book… well… i can’t actually tell you that because rick not trying to traumatise someone. But if you know already that you’re into this sort of stuff then, yes. I would never, recommend this to anyone i know  (for obvious reasons) but i can say that i did really enjoy this book. I found it quite interesting and they do have some hella plot twists at the end.