A review by binchbean
A Feast for Crows by George R.R. Martin


Not going to lie, I was a little bit apprehensive to read this one. A Feast For Crows is widely regarded by the ASOIAF fandom to be the weakest in the series, and reading some reviews for it before I cracked it open made me approach it feeling pessimistic.
However,I loved it. I know I said the same for Storm of Swords, but AFFC is definitely my favourite of the series so far. Maybe because it is the most fresh in my mind, but there were many things that were really well done.

GRRM's prose is top-notch in this instalment, there were many times where I'd read a sentence and I would just be so struck at how well worded it was. What especially struck me is Septon Meribald's speech-who knew such a powerful and beautiful piece would come from such a minor character?
What I especially loved about this book was the juxtaposition between the two major POV characters, Cersei and Brienne. They make such wonderful foils for each other, with Brienne's enduring determination and integrity, against Cersei's ruthlessness and her slow descent into madness.

I can see why people didn't like this book. After such an action packed book like Storm of Swords, after both the Red and Purple Wedding, it can pale a little bit in comparison. However, there is so much incredible character growth and world-building in this instalment. While it may be a bit lacking in action, it sets up for interesting directions that the story will take, and I can't wait to see what crazy things George RR Martin will throw at us in the future.