A review by accio_coffee
Complete Me by J. Kenner


ARC kindly provided by Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group. I love this book series. I think I love it more than Fifty Shades. Nikki is a lovable heroine. She is strong and she overcomes anything. Damien is her saving grace and helps her get over her demons of her past. The same is for Damien when it comes to Nikki. They are perfect for each other. This book shows how perfect they are for each other and how they give each other what they need to get over the hardships thrown at them in life. The situation Damien is going through at the end of the second and the beginning of this book is heartbreaking but no matter what Nikki sticks with him. I love how Nikki is not the usual over dramatic, jealous, "I am leaving you because things are to tough" kind of girl that you usually read. She knows what she wants and even though she enjoys when Damien takes control, she still can stand up and take over as well. The only thing I did not like about this book is that a certain situation happens about the last 15 pages and gets solved rather quickly and then the book ends. I wish I could read more about them after that perfect moment at the end but maybe it just that I did not want the series to end. Maybe the author will write a novella about what they are doing after. But nevertheless I loved this book just like I loved the entire series.