A review by leahmichelle_13
Turning Forty by Mike Gayle


A new Mike Gayle book is always something to celebrate. He’s one of the most loved Lad Lit authors around, and every year that brings a new Mike Gayle book is a new year. My personal favourite of his has got to be Brand New Friend, but I was really excited to see Turning Forty because Turning Thirty was a great novel with such an unsatisfactory ending, an ending that, let’s be honest, cried out for a sequel and here we are many years later, with a sequel, and I found it to be a very quick and enjoyable read.

I must admit, I didn’t remember much from Turning Thirty, except for the fact I knew Matt and Ginny did not end up together, which disappointed me massively. But, to be fair, you don’t really need to have read Turning Thirty to read Turning Forty because they’re set many years apart. Matt’s now married, or rather, he was, as he’s just split up with Lauren; his house is on the market; and his job is causing him so much stress, he fears it may actually kill him; and to top it all off, he’s ended up back in Brum with his parents, after quitting his (life-killing) job. But Matt has a plan, and that’s Ginny. But he hasn’t seen Ginny in years, since his own wedding in fact, and Ginny (as much as he might have expected her to) hasn’t sat around for the past 6 years awaiting his return, but are these two finally destined for a happy ever after?

Turning Forty was a great read, but if, like me, you’re expecting to reach the end of the novel and have it all wrapped up nicely, you may be disappointed. I suspect in a few years time there will be a Turning Fifty, and that made me a bit sad, because I like Matt, and we only ever see him unhappy and miserable, and I wanted him to be happy, I wanted his story to be done. I’m not sure I can take poor Matt having to have his life up-heaved again for another novel! One thing I absolutely loved about Turning Forty was Matt’s girlfriend Rosa, she was an absolutely amazing addition to the novel, to the series, and I hope we see more of her if there are any future novels because the girl sparkled and Matt sparkled alongside her, in some of the rarer moments of Matt being happy during the novel!

Turning Forty is definitely a Mike Gayle must-read. Yes, I wanted it all tied up nice in a bow, but I suspect Matt’s tale definitely isn’t done and Matt’s such a good character that I suppose I can take another novel!! I found it to be such a quick, warm read, and I secretly loved reading about Matt being back home with his parents, and I loved Gerry, and the charity shop – in fact, I wanted to go and work there, if I’m being honest! Fans of Turning Thirty will love being back with Matt again, as I was, even if I only vaguely remembered every one (it was literally HUNDREDS of books ago!), and even new fans will enjoy getting to know Matt (and will perhaps venture into reading Turning Thirty, if they haven’t already!). Definitely an enjoyable novel, I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for Turning Fifty.