A review by tommyhousworth
Congratulations, by the Way: Some Thoughts on Kindness by George Saunders


Let's be honest. This is a commencement speech, a few thousand words at best, so stretching it out into a book is a reach. Except that it is perfect as a gift to remind a graduate, a loved one, or one's self what is truly important. George Saunders shares his personal insight on how our most missed opportunities in life are not ones wherein we might have gained more wealth or glory, but when we might have done an active kindness for someone and, instead, remained complacent.

It takes fifteen minutes to read, and a lifetime to feel like you're getting it right. That's how the most pithy and powerful wisdom works: easy to absorb, challenging to enact. I am grateful for the reminder from one of my new favorite writers. It's the perfect book to buy for someone else...or buy for oneself and then pass it along, hoping it goes through many hands and pierces many hearts on its journey.