A review by lavidaenquotes
Northanger Abbey and Angels and Dragons by Vera Nazarian, Jane Austen


Northanger Abbey is an entertaining, light, fast paced classic. Easy to read, easy to enjoy. Austen's satirical comments show a glimpse of what was to come in her next works. I didn't know this is a parody of the gothic novels of the time but it became clear soon enough. I enjoyed reading Austen half-sassing her fellow writers and their ways.

That being said, this felt a lot different than her other works, and even though this was a pleasant read, it ended up falling too short, with the main (and only?) problem being resolved too easily, too suddenly.

I'd recommend Pride and Prejudice or Persuasion to anyone who's starting in the Austen world. Although one runs the risk of the rest of her work not living up to those two.