A review by nero1279
Rivalry by Laurelin Paige




⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ production

🎤 NARRATED BY 🎤 Elena Wolfe

A brilliant job. 

ARTICULATION  - clean and clear 
BREATHING – controlled, volume, consistent, project appropriate, low mouth noise
DELIVERY – solid and in the spirit of the text and author’s intent. Timing and pacing is extremely appropriate. Varied and not too predictable. No editing issues. 
EYE BRAIN MOUTH CONTROL – accurate and effortless delivery.
CONSISTENT – high energy, good articulation, breath and pitch control.
ANALYSIS – understands the story arc and characters.
CHARACTERISATION – brings to life. Distinct and consistent in tone, attitude, age, accent. Voices match characters. 
SEPARATION- clear and decisive for all performers.
INVESTMENT – the emotional connection helps with visualisation.

🌶️ spice / 5
😘 romance / 3

📚  STORYLINE 🌶️🌶️🌶️ 😘

While this is a separate series, it is clear that the main female character is from other books. This however does not interfere with this series. And interesting plot line that had elements from many books from similar genres. This however does not affect the story. 

While I enjoyed this book, it was not a book that swirled wildly around in my head, wanting me to gorge myself on it. Both main characters had “issues” that is clear, but they haven’t really enamoured themselves to the reader at this stage. 

And yes, the story ends on the most cliche cliffhanger ever.