A review by bitterblue7
The Temple of Persephone by Isabella Kamal


This was a lovely and well-written book!
Persephone and Aidon were fantastic together, and I loved how their relationship progressed slowly and naturally. They were great for one another.
Without spoilers, unfortunately, the relatively low rating is due to the disappointing plot twist. For the whole book, we are left wondering why Aidon is called the Lord of the Dead, and we imagine the worst things you could think of.
The answer was so boring and disappointing, especially when Aidon struggled so much with it, but honestly, I think it was a positive thing and helpful. It was much better than the alternative.

It was built on so much tension and mystery, that when I found out what it was, I just thought: "Seriously? All that angst and secrecy for that?"

Aside from this, I really enjoyed reading their story!

Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.