A review by ethantw00
the half-drowned by Trynne Delaney


4.5 Stars

This is absolutely perfect for Jeff VanderMeer fans (I found it through his recommendation) and those of Rivers Solomon, as well.

Delaney packs a lot in this novella, and practically all of it is quietly compelling. There were moments were I felt adrift, but patience is a buoy that serves this story well, as revelations do come.

The world-building in this is also done really well. It’s sparse in a way but gave enough to allow me to really color this world’s story. It’s a world ravaged by the climate crisis and feels all too pertinent now.

Also, I just think the polyphony works pretty well, with only a few moments where I needed to reorient which character the narrator was referring to.

I will say though there are definitely some typos in this thing, but hopefully if this does well, it can get a reprint with those fixed.

I definitely want to see more from Delaney. I’d even love to see more from this world they’ve crafted.