A review by labunnywtf
Panic by Lauren Oliver


This was what the game was really about. This was what true fear was; that you could never know other people, not completely. That you were always just guessing blind.

After reading the [b: Delirium|11614718|Delirium (Delirium, #1)|Lauren Oliver|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1327890411s/11614718.jpg|10342808] series, I was really looking forward to reading more books by Lauren Oliver. She's a kick-ass author, someone who can insert realism into dystopian universes in a way that makes you forget it's an alternate world.

When I read the blurb for this, I thought it was another alternate world. I find this a flaw with the blurb, because this is very much real life fiction, and it's fantastic and so very, very real. Also, the blurb set me up to believe there would be a romance between the two main characters. Also a flawed assumption.

The cover and the blurb are all wrong for this amazing book. All very, very wrong.

Heather, our spunky heroine, is absolutely perfect. Just the right amount of brave and terrified. Life is hard for her in this shitty little town, her father is dead and her mother is a neglectful drug addict. Her little sister has hit that difficult age, where she needs her but doesn't want to need her. She's not interested in Panic, her boyfriend is her future.

But boyfriend turns out to be a massive douche, which she finds out minutes before Panic starts. And she makes her own plans for her future. And she is GLORIOUS.

Dodge. Oh, my sweet Dodge. You were such a jerk through this book, and it broke my heart. Revenge is the best reason ever to take part in Panic, and I have to admit, I'm both sad and happy about how Panic ended for you.

There is no easy escape from a shitty life. You have to work for it. And this book is the perfect summary of that truth. No characters get off easy. No characters are perfect, none are truly awful. Well. Maybe Krista is.

I'm still REALLY REALLY unhappy about what happened with the tigers, though.