A review by ellelainey
Blood and Circuses by Kerry Greenwood


DNF'd at 18%


Copy received through Netgalley


Blood and Circuses (Miss Phryne Fisher #6), Kerry Greenwood
251 Pages
POV: 3rd person, multi-POV
Content Warning: mistreatment of carnival/circus, intersex people

I wanted to read the Phryne Fisher series, because I watched the TV show and loved it. Sadly, the books just aren't up to snuff. They don't have the same charm, the same interest, and Phryne doesn't ever really do anything of note, to be considered a 'private investigator'. Most of the time she gets by on luck and things falling into place. Or because she pays someone else to do it for her.
As the characters (and, of course, the author) point out in this book, Phryne is a woman who has too much money, not enough sense, and feels she's earned the right to sit back and do nothing with her time. Sure, she grew up poor, but as her Aunt Pru shows, people who know poverty can use their wealth later in life to help those who need it.

Unfortunately, I ended up DNF'ing this book at 18%. I just find the writing so laborious, with the constant changing of POV and the often-times lack of flow and sense, the “mysterious” scenes that don't make sense and don't fit into the plot, mean that I'm left with a headache. While I might normally applaud Kerry Greenwood for consistently including minorities into her stories, I'm sorry to say that I don't like the way she goes about it. Most of the time, they're used a victims, as comic relief, or deliberately used within the story as some sort of proof that Phryne accepts all kinds of people. Considering she sleeps with just about any male walking in every book, I can't bring myself to read any more. They're just the same book with different people, constantly trying to show just how amazing and brilliant and beautiful and sexual Phryne is, while boring me to tears.