A review by bookishnerdyandcurious
Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade


This book. Holy crap, I did not expect to love this as much as I did. Despite hearing so many people I trust say how much they loved this book (especially recently), I was still a little leery of just how accurate the portrayal of a plus-sized heroine would be - especially in the context of a celebrity relationship and the paparazzi (and evil Twitter trolls), but... WOW. One of the criticisms I've heard is that she's still insecure in her body type. I didn't see that at all - she's very confident, but when you've heard those comments your whole life, you can't help but let some of that trigger an insecurity, especially when those comments are coming from those people who are supposed to love you unconditionally. I would love to be that self-confident. Marcus's struggles with telling April about his online persona were frustrating, however, I did understand why he took the route he did. I am a total sucker for the celeb-slips-into-your-DMs plotline. My inner fangirl was squeeing the whole time and to find that he legitimately thought that she was gorgeous and beyond the initial ask, didn't think of it as a PR stunt... my shriveled little heart grew a couple of sizes.