A review by jwmcoaching
Sedition by Katharine Grant


2 1/2 stars. I had high hopes for this one. I was thinking naughty Jane Austen with a side of Dickens. Grant is a good writer and she certainly knows how to turn a phrase. There is trashy entertainment to be found here and it's much better than something silly like Fifty Shades of Grey.

On the other hand, she seems to have a strong dislike for her characters. There is not one character here that she seems to have any sympathy for and although most of them are undeserving, that doesn't include all of them. She isn't kind to any of them and doesn't MINOR SPOILERS offer any of them fates that in any way resemble any sense of satisfaction or happiness. Her dislike of them is just too strong to justify at all.

I do have to say that aside from this, she does provide a palpable depiction of 18th century London life. You can practically smell the horse shit and the smoke, while being stunned by the dank and darkness of such a place.